Home Industry News For myTVS, livelihood entrepreneurs are key in its new digital drive – ET Auto

For myTVS, livelihood entrepreneurs are key in its new digital drive – ET Auto

by Autobayng News Team

TVS as an organisation had grown on the basis of its relationship with livelihood entrepreneurs.

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TVS as an organisation had grown on the basis of its relationship with livelihood entrepreneurs.


TVS as an organisation had grown on the basis of its relationship with livelihood entrepreneurs.

The myTVS booth at the recent held Bharat Mobility Global Expo in Delhi had some interesting products on display like myTVS Astra, a Car2Cloud platform, myTVS Hypermart, a massive parts catalogue and Nesh. Live, a fleet mobility solution for enterprises.

R Dinesh told ET Auto that the idea behind these initiatives was to “actually bring value” to the people who form the aftermarket ecosystem. However, he made it clear that it was not as if the brick and mortar model had become redundant. On the contrary, it remained “very much relevant and important from a customer connect”.

As Executive Chairman of TVS Supply Chain Solutions and Director at Ki Mobility Solutions that operates myTVS brand across India, Dinesh said the idea was to bringing in the best solution for the end consumer and enable each of the ecosystem players to progress efficiently.

This is where a digital solution would ensure that everything happened in the “best manner possible”, both from an aftermarket perspective and for every player in the ecosystem.

Transforming the supply chain

His colleague, G Srinivasa Raghavan, Managing Director of TVS Automobile Solutions whose aftermarket brand is myTVS, said digital was “extremely important” in transforming the supply chain and connecting the customer to the livelihood entrepreneur.

“Digital alone is not a solution. It has to be online to offline because operations are happening offline in the auto industry,” he said. In this backdrop, can today’s mechanic upgrade his technology skills?

Training will help for sure but becomes difficult when it means penetrating a 500,000-strong garage network across the country. The key lies in bringing the knowledge into AI digital technology and make the mechanic handle all vehicles.

“This is why we never call ourselves an e-commerce or marketplace model. This is an online to offline model which brings customer engagement and knowledge into the digital sphere. And that adds productivity and future business confidence to the operations layer,” explained Raghavan.

Bonding with entrepreneurs

According to Dinesh, TVS as an organisation had grown on the basis of its relationship with livelihood entrepreneurs. This fraternity comprises parts retailers, garages and even bus operators who were handheld by TVS to enable them to succeed. “In a way, I think we have come full circle to make them relevant to today’s needs,” he said.

The new basket has technology, access to the right tools for getting repairs done and provides the right visibility to check out the complexity of models and possible solutions.

Today, there are something like 3,000 part numbers and 40,000 users which is a huge jump from yesteryear. “This means that we must have a much more robust solution built-in and that can be done only digitally,” continued Dinesh.

Given that all vehicles are connected today and “throwing data”, it can get overwhelming with a thousand models in the country. While getting parts delivered just in time for this humungous lot of vehicles, the retailer or garage servicing the should not be disadvantaged.

The real winners

“That is why bringing this link from service and parts to how we predict consumption and make sure the inventory and wastage in the entire supply chain goes down is important. When it goes down, who benefits from it? It is not TVS alone, it is actually the retailer, it is the garage,” said Dinesh.

His profitability goes up and cash flow improves as a result. “Today I have heard success stories of parts retailers who are coming in and saying yesterday I had something like whatever, 60 days of inventory, today I am going to have three days of inventory or maybe zero,” he said.

Dinesh also made it clear that the latest digital initiatives were in no way meant to compete with OEMs. On the other hand, “we can partner with them and they can actually have the visibility to the end consumer and parts consumption”. The whole ecosystem and visibility creation, therefore, is an automatic outcome out of this partnership.

“We see ourselves as a brand agnostic platform which can partner with anyone. We are happy to be associated with any OEM and have already seen success stories of that happening more. As technology evolves into electric vehicles, it becomes even more relevant from the operating perspective,” said Dinesh.

Opportunities in electric

“EV is specifically large and it is important to look at emerging fleets as a segment,” added Raghavan. The moment this happens, it becomes a closed loop ecosystem where users need vehicle uptime, infrastructure in the ecosystem and charging or swapping options. They also need to collaborate a lot closer with the manufacturer to customise the charging range while monitoring the battery more closely.

The myTVS digital platform not only diagnoses the vehicle but also monitors the battery. It tells them when and where to charge as well as how many kilometres must be driven. “And therefore you do not have to wait at the charging station. The garage transforms from only service to service plus charging,” said Raghavan.

Dinesh said there were other elements within the transition like the technology change in ICE itself as well as EVs and other emerging options. “There are so many technologies coming now and this is going to be a dynamically changing world. I think the solution we are trying to build is to enable the transition for every player in the ecosystem,” he added.

This becomes important in a country like India since the change involves livelihood entrepreneurs. “If you look at a typical corporate, we are going to be seeing the return on capital employed as well as the metrics which enable profitability of the business,” explained Dinesh.

Productive employment

The livelihood entrepreneur, on the other hand, is really looking at making sure he gets enough cash out of the business to manage his life and provide “gainful employment” to people. “He provides sustainability to the community. And if he is in a particular village or rural market, he actually creates a visible presence for that area,” he continued.

If they go away from the system, “you actually harm” the local economy. As Dinesh reiterated, it is every large corporate’s responsibility to make sure that “we see this transition through in the best manner possible”.

With a car parc of 52 million units, India will see ICE lasting for another 15-20 years. In this backdrop, myTVS is keen on creating an ecosystem of garages which are standardised, trained, skilled and technologically enabled.

With data visibility and information fed to the garage in advance, the personnel is prepared with the requirement of repairs and spare parts. “And that is why the efficiency in the system becomes almost close to 80% and 90% as against 30% or 40% with parts network and connected. And the biggest thing is like the healthcare industry, the vehicle record is kept in the cloud,” said Dinesh.

Holistic approach

Raghavan added that from myTVS’ point of view, this was a holistic approach as a supply chain transformation from the vehicle to customer where data and AI would play a key role in enabling the garage to do business better.

The other vital detail is that while this transition is happening, it does not mean that the old supply chain gradually exits. “The offline online is absolutely important and we have to make sure that we keep working on the supply chain improvement which is where the algorithms will help,” says Dinesh.

The probability of integration of the entire supply chain is higher if the incumbent becomes a tech platform. “That is where TVS makes a difference and this is why bringing the ecosystem together is important for us. Does it mean then traditional models of distribution will go away? No, they will all continue. In fact, they will also continue to grow and they become part of the network,” he elaborated.

Eventually, they will start benefiting from this network and become more efficient. Will this mean mean lesser cost in terms of fewer people on board?

Increasing efficiency

“No, because basically you are handling more customers. So that won’t change because the growth in the industry is taking care of the people requirement. This is not replacing people with technology but making them more efficient,” responded Dinesh.

Going forward, myTVS is ready to provide any technology, technology support which the OEM concerned may require. Beyond this, the insurance and finance sectors are also looking at data requirements, knowledge and the visibility of what the customer is doing.

“We can provide that to them. As for component suppliers, we are providing a channel for knowledge of what parts are consumed and the issues which come in the parts. This is what I mean by ecosystem creations and this is the first set of people with whom we will work,” said Raghavan. The second set are garages and retailers and the third are consumers.

There are plans underway to explore new geographies with these innovations and myTVS believes the best solution is to team up with local players for the technology solutions it has in place. “We are actually piloting some of these in the UK, Turkey and Sri Lanka,” he said.
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The company’s recent innovations will focus on creating more opportunities and making life easier for its entrepreneurial ecosystem. These people have been part of the myTVS fraternity for many years.

Murali Gopalan

Read by: 100 Industry Professionals

Reader Image Read by 100 Industry Professionals

TVS as an organisation had grown on the basis of its relationship with livelihood entrepreneurs.


TVS as an organisation had grown on the basis of its relationship with livelihood entrepreneurs.

The myTVS booth at the recent held Bharat Mobility Global Expo in Delhi had some interesting products on display like myTVS Astra, a Car2Cloud platform, myTVS Hypermart, a massive parts catalogue and Nesh. Live, a fleet mobility solution for enterprises.R Dinesh told ET Auto that the idea behind these initiatives was to “actually bring value” to the people who form the aftermarket ecosystem. However, he made it clear that it was not as if the brick and mortar model had become redundant. On the contrary, it remained “very much relevant and important from a customer connect”. As Executive Chairman of TVS Supply Chain Solutions and Director at Ki Mobility Solutions that operates myTVS brand across India, Dinesh said the idea was to bringing in the best solution for the end consumer and enable each of the ecosystem players to progress efficiently.This is where a digital solution would ensure that everything happened in the “best manner possible”, both from an aftermarket perspective and for every player in the ecosystem.

Transforming the supply chain

His colleague, G Srinivasa Raghavan, Managing Director of TVS Automobile Solutions whose aftermarket brand is myTVS, said digital was “extremely important” in transforming the supply chain and connecting the customer to the livelihood entrepreneur.

“Digital alone is not a solution. It has to be online to offline because operations are happening offline in the auto industry,” he said. In this backdrop, can today’s mechanic upgrade his technology skills?

Training will help for sure but becomes difficult when it means penetrating a 500,000-strong garage network across the country. The key lies in bringing the knowledge into AI digital technology and make the mechanic handle all vehicles.

“This is why we never call ourselves an e-commerce or marketplace model. This is an online to offline model which brings customer engagement and knowledge into the digital sphere. And that adds productivity and future business confidence to the operations layer,” explained Raghavan.Bonding with entrepreneurs

According to Dinesh, TVS as an organisation had grown on the basis of its relationship with livelihood entrepreneurs. This fraternity comprises parts retailers, garages and even bus operators who were handheld by TVS to enable them to succeed. “In a way, I think we have come full circle to make them relevant to today’s needs,” he said. The new basket has technology, access to the right tools for getting repairs done and provides the right visibility to check out the complexity of models and possible solutions.

Today, there are something like 3,000 part numbers and 40,000 users which is a huge jump from yesteryear. “This means that we must have a much more robust solution built-in and that can be done only digitally,” continued Dinesh.

Given that all vehicles are connected today and “throwing data”, it can get overwhelming with a thousand models in the country. While getting parts delivered just in time for this humungous lot of vehicles, the retailer or garage servicing the should not be disadvantaged.

The real winners

“That is why bringing this link from service and parts to how we predict consumption and make sure the inventory and wastage in the entire supply chain goes down is important. When it goes down, who benefits from it? It is not TVS alone, it is actually the retailer, it is the garage,” said Dinesh.

His profitability goes up and cash flow improves as a result. “Today I have heard success stories of parts retailers who are coming in and saying yesterday I had something like whatever, 60 days of inventory, today I am going to have three days of inventory or maybe zero,” he said.

Dinesh also made it clear that the latest digital initiatives were in no way meant to compete with OEMs. On the other hand, “we can partner with them and they can actually have the visibility to the end consumer and parts consumption”. The whole ecosystem and visibility creation, therefore, is an automatic outcome out of this partnership.

“We see ourselves as a brand agnostic platform which can partner with anyone. We are happy to be associated with any OEM and have already seen success stories of that happening more. As technology evolves into electric vehicles, it becomes even more relevant from the operating perspective,” said Dinesh.

Opportunities in electric

“EV is specifically large and it is important to look at emerging fleets as a segment,” added Raghavan. The moment this happens, it becomes a closed loop ecosystem where users need vehicle uptime, infrastructure in the ecosystem and charging or swapping options. They also need to collaborate a lot closer with the manufacturer to customise the charging range while monitoring the battery more closely.

The myTVS digital platform not only diagnoses the vehicle but also monitors the battery. It tells them when and where to charge as well as how many kilometres must be driven. “And therefore you do not have to wait at the charging station. The garage transforms from only service to service plus charging,” said Raghavan.

Dinesh said there were other elements within the transition like the technology change in ICE itself as well as EVs and other emerging options. “There are so many technologies coming now and this is going to be a dynamically changing world. I think the solution we are trying to build is to enable the transition for every player in the ecosystem,” he added.

This becomes important in a country like India since the change involves livelihood entrepreneurs. “If you look at a typical corporate, we are going to be seeing the return on capital employed as well as the metrics which enable profitability of the business,” explained Dinesh.

Productive employment

The livelihood entrepreneur, on the other hand, is really looking at making sure he gets enough cash out of the business to manage his life and provide “gainful employment” to people. “He provides sustainability to the community. And if he is in a particular village or rural market, he actually creates a visible presence for that area,” he continued.

If they go away from the system, “you actually harm” the local economy. As Dinesh reiterated, it is every large corporate’s responsibility to make sure that “we see this transition through in the best manner possible”.

With a car parc of 52 million units, India will see ICE lasting for another 15-20 years. In this backdrop, myTVS is keen on creating an ecosystem of garages which are standardised, trained, skilled and technologically enabled.

With data visibility and information fed to the garage in advance, the personnel is prepared with the requirement of repairs and spare parts. “And that is why the efficiency in the system becomes almost close to 80% and 90% as against 30% or 40% with parts network and connected. And the biggest thing is like the healthcare industry, the vehicle record is kept in the cloud,” said Dinesh.

Holistic approach

Raghavan added that from myTVS’ point of view, this was a holistic approach as a supply chain transformation from the vehicle to customer where data and AI would play a key role in enabling the garage to do business better.

The other vital detail is that while this transition is happening, it does not mean that the old supply chain gradually exits. “The offline online is absolutely important and we have to make sure that we keep working on the supply chain improvement which is where the algorithms will help,” says Dinesh.

The probability of integration of the entire supply chain is higher if the incumbent becomes a tech platform. “That is where TVS makes a difference and this is why bringing the ecosystem together is important for us. Does it mean then traditional models of distribution will go away? No, they will all continue. In fact, they will also continue to grow and they become part of the network,” he elaborated.

Eventually, they will start benefiting from this network and become more efficient. Will this mean mean lesser cost in terms of fewer people on board?

Increasing efficiency

“No, because basically you are handling more customers. So that won’t change because the growth in the industry is taking care of the people requirement. This is not replacing people with technology but making them more efficient,” responded Dinesh.

Going forward, myTVS is ready to provide any technology, technology support which the OEM concerned may require. Beyond this, the insurance and finance sectors are also looking at data requirements, knowledge and the visibility of what the customer is doing.

“We can provide that to them. As for component suppliers, we are providing a channel for knowledge of what parts are consumed and the issues which come in the parts. This is what I mean by ecosystem creations and this is the first set of people with whom we will work,” said Raghavan. The second set are garages and retailers and the third are consumers.

There are plans underway to explore new geographies with these innovations and myTVS believes the best solution is to team up with local players for the technology solutions it has in place. “We are actually piloting some of these in the UK, Turkey and Sri Lanka,” he said.

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