Home Industry News ‘False’ toll fee deduction? NHAI cracks the whip – ET Auto

‘False’ toll fee deduction? NHAI cracks the whip – ET Auto

by Autobayng News Team

For each violation, the highways authorityu2019s toll management entity, IHMCL, has started imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh.

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For each violation, the highways authority’s toll management entity, IHMCL, has started imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh.


For each violation, the highways authority’s toll management entity, IHMCL, has started imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh.

New Delhi: Have you ever received a toll deduction message from your FASTag wallet even though your car was parked or you hadn’t passed through a toll plaza? Officials explain that this can occur when toll operators mistakenly enter the vehicle number, often due to issues with the FASTag being unreadable for various reasons, or when people carry tags in their wallets.

Cracking down on such instances of “false” deductions from FASTag wallet, the NHAI has penalised toll collectors in at least 250 cases. For each violation, the highways authority’s toll management entity, IHMCL, has started imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh.

Due to this high penalty, the number of such cases has reduced by almost 70% and now 50 such genuine complaints reach IHMCL in a month while nearly 30 crore FASTag transactions happen at all plazas on the national highway network.
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Cracking down on such instances of “false” deductions from FASTag wallet, the NHAI has penalised toll collectors in at least 250 cases.

Dipak K Dash

For each violation, the highways authority’s toll management entity, IHMCL, has started imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh.


For each violation, the highways authority’s toll management entity, IHMCL, has started imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh.

New Delhi: Have you ever received a toll deduction message from your FASTag wallet even though your car was parked or you hadn’t passed through a toll plaza? Officials explain that this can occur when toll operators mistakenly enter the vehicle number, often due to issues with the FASTag being unreadable for various reasons, or when people carry tags in their wallets.Cracking down on such instances of “false” deductions from FASTag wallet, the NHAI has penalised toll collectors in at least 250 cases. For each violation, the highways authority’s toll management entity, IHMCL, has started imposing a fine of Rs 1 lakh.Due to this high penalty, the number of such cases has reduced by almost 70% and now 50 such genuine complaints reach IHMCL in a month while nearly 30 crore FASTag transactions happen at all plazas on the national highway network.

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